Chace Street School Home Page
Welcome to Chace Street School
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are officially one month into the school year, and things are going great! Our window project is still moving forward, and we hope to have the upgrades completed within the next 4-6 weeks.
Every month I send home a link to our school newsletter, located at S'More; if you don't receive the link, please reach out to me to let me know.
Important dates to keep in mind are here:
- Oct. 2 Apple Crunch Day
- Oct. 9 School Council Meeting 5:00pm
- Oct. 9 PTO Meeting 6:00pm
- Oct. 11 Trimester 1 Progress Reports go Home
- Oct. 12 SAFE Day 3:00-8:00pm at SBRHS
- Oct. 14 NO School
- Oct. 23 TRUNK or TREAT 5:45-7:00pm
- Oct. 26 SBEF Halloween 5K at Pierce Beach 9:00am
- Oct. 30 Early Release Day 12:30pm
- Oct. 31 Hat Day-wear a crazy hat and PJ's. Donations will go to the Swansea/Somerset Animal rescue League
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please let me know!
Tim Plante, Chace Principal
Our school adjustment counselors have been working on a website to support our students. Check it out, below.